Libri Consigliati

Abbiamo selezionato per te i testi che ci hanno insegnato tutto quello che sappiamo sul mondo dei webinar e, ovviamente, non solo.

Li abbiamo suddivisi per categoria e continuamente aggiorniamo questa pagina con i nuovi titoli.

Attenzione: alcuni sono solo in formato digitale e, se li acquisti su Amazon devi avere un kindle o scaricare l’app sui tuoi dispositivi. Seconda avvertenza: i libri vengono inseriti in ordine di nostra preferenza, indicando prima quelli che abbiamo letto e poi quelli che ci hanno segnalato altri lettori. Non possiamo rispondere del tuo gradimento personale: la lettura è questione soggettiva. Noi abbiamo fatto il possibile per segnalarti solo ed esclusivamente i migliori, speriamo di avere indovinato i tuoi gusti.

Libri in italiano sui Webinar

Inizia dai testi in italiano sul mondo dei webinar per fare il primo passo.
Non è un caso che trovi praticamente solo i nostri: siamo i primi ad aver esplorato in modo completo il mondo dei webinar, degli eventi online, delle riunioni online.

Public speaking online. Parla al tuo pubblico nel Web

Dagli antichi greci in poi, parlare in pubblico ha dato origine a una delle paure più diffuse, e oggi che la tecnologia permette di avere davanti a te, digitalmente, migliaia di persone, le cose non sono cambiate, se consideriamo quanto sia difficile stare davanti a una webcam, articolare bene i propri discorsi, coinvolgere i partecipanti e regalare loro un’esperienza appagante. Videoconferenze, Conference call, seminari online dal vivo, aule virtuali, video messaggi e anche il semplice uso di strumenti come Skype sono ormai azioni quotidiane, e la probabilità che qualcuno ti proponga prima o poi di presentare qualcosa online dal vivo cresce di giorno in giorno. Questo libro è pensato proprio per chi vuole superare la “paura” affrontando questa sfida in modo professionale ed elegante, senza improvvisare e senza doversi pentire di errori commessi; illustra tutti i passaggi, le strategie, i trucchi del mestiere utili per progettare, realizzare e valorizzare ogni presentazione via web, indipendentemente dal pubblico, dai contenuti e dagli obiettivi dell’evento. Scritto con linguaggio semplice e diretto, è ricco di spunti e idee di immediata applicazione, utilizzabili anche nelle presentazioni tradizionali.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 24 a 28
Kindle: € da 15 a 22

Webinar Marketing: come usare i Webinar per lanciare, promuovere e vendere servizi, prodotti, te stesso (Webinar Academy Vol. 2)

Webinar, WebConference, WebMeeting, TeleSeminar sono parole molto diffuse nell’ambito del Marketing per indicare conferenze, seminari, workshop ed eventi online usati per lanciare, promuovere o vendere servizi e prodotti di diverso tipo.
Questo e-book, introduttivo, ti mostrerà come sfruttare le potenzialità dei Webinar in un modo nuovo, seguendo due diverse strategie. Il testo è scorrevole, legato all’esperienza diretta e pratica di molti anni sul campo nell’utilizzo dei Webinar nella formazione e nella promozione online.
Con Webinar Marketing arricchirai il tuo bagaglio con strumenti immediatamente applicabili nel tuo lavoro!

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 1.50 a 3

Webinar Facile: Manuale Pratico del Relatore 2.0

Ci spieghiamo. Il Webinar crea dipendenza: chi conduce un Webinar non vede l’ora di riprovare l’esperienza e di farlo altre decine di volte! Vogliamo che ti diverta, che il Webinar per te non abbia segreti e che l’esperienza sia positiva ed esaltante!

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 7 a 11

Libri in inglese per iniziare

Quelli che seguono sono i migliori libri per iniziare, quelli che abbiamo studiato quando abbiamo scritto i nostri libri.

How to Plan, Setup, and Execute a Successful Webinar

Webinars are powerful business tools and an excellent way to communicate. But a Webinar is more than just a phone call with more than two people, or a video chat on a tiny screen. For example, you can have hundreds of people across the world listening to your words and watching your powerpoint. Webinars are easy to do well, but with some tips and guidance, you can make your Webinars excellent.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 0.80 a 1.50

8 Steps to Amazing Webinars 

Increase qualified leads, improve the customer experience, generate industry buzz, and drive people to your brand.
This easy-to-read book is full of tips and tricks to improve your lead generation, increase your sales, and engage your audience by running amazing webinars. Written by an industry insider, you learn how to create and manage professional webinars that customers and potential customers will love.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 42 a 50
Kindle: € da 7 a 11

6 Weeks to a Great Webinar 

This 80 page workbook takes you step by step through creating and presenting a great webinar to generate leads, boost your brand and shorten sales cycles. Lots of templates, checklists and examples to make this job as painless as it is critical to small businesses. Extra copies of key forms in the back so you can use them again and again.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 4 a 8

Exceptional Webinars Made Easy

Developing, delivering and producing your own webinars, webcasts and virtual presentations may be easier than you think. Webinars are the twenty-first century way to train more people, coach more clients and market your products and services. This book offers step-by-step, “how to” information on how to develop and deliver exceptional webinars that help you project the best version of yourself on line.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 3 a 7

Great Webinars: How to Create Interactice Learning That Is Captivating, Informative and Fun: Create Interactive Learning That Is Captivating, Informative, and Fun

Great Webinars provides a profoundly practical and easy-to-follow template for creating and facilitating stimulating webinars that engage learners as active participants, while creating the kind of energetic ‘buzz’ that is the hallmark of successful learning experiences. The book is sure to benefit both seasoned instructors and subject matter experts who are new to teaching. I sure wish this book had existed when I began conducting webinars back in the mid 1990s.”Carol Willett, former chief learning officer, US Government Accountability Office

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 12 a 16

The KISS Theory: Creating A Great Webinar: Keep It Strategically Simple “A simple approach to personal and professional development

Webinars are staples of modern business. Anyone can create a webinar and reap the rewards. When webinars are done well, they can increase your customer base and grow the knowledge of your brand. Webinars that are not done well can decrease the customer base and ruin your reputation. By following the advice in this book, you will understand the necessary steps to create a successful webinar.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 12 a 17

Creating A Great Webinar (MLE Book 262017)

Webinars are staples of modern business. Anyone can create a webinar and reap the rewards. When webinars are done well, they can increase your customer base and grow the knowledge of your brand. Webinars that are not done well can decrease the customer base and ruin your reputation. By following the advice in this book, you will understand the necessary steps to create a successful webinar.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 6 a 12

The Webinar Manifesto

The Webinar Manifesto The Special Interactive Edition delivers the 7 fundamental strategies needed to captivate any audience. These strategies transform the webinar experience as they teach you how to get the most out of your technology without compromising design and value. This Special Interactive Edition avoids all the missteps of traditional how-to books by focusing primarily on the principles and behaviors, rather than the tactics. It is these values that are necessary for webinars across to reach their full potential.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 3.30 a 7
Kindle: € da 4 a 8

Webinars for Dummies

Gather an audience from around the globe with webinars
Webinars For Dummies takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of webinar creation. Written by John Carucci under the guidance of webinar technology company ON24, the book provides a roadmap for creating a webinar that effectively communicates to the audience without boring them to sleep. Webinars For Dummies gives you the insider’s perspective on techniques that have been proven effective time and again.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 20 a 24
Kindle: € da 14 a 18

Your Webinar Notebook!: The Perfect Webinar Journal

A beautiful walk in the woods begins a wonderful new learning adventure. This webinar notebook follows along after two hikers as they enjoy a beautiful forest setting on a perfect day. Filled with the perfect spaces for note taking and thought provoking prompts help make your next webinar truly a life changing event. Enjoy!

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 3 a 7

Webinar Secrets: How to Prepare, Present, Host and Execute a Successful Webinar

Did you know webinars can be amazing for your business? The purpose of “Webinar Secrets” is to teach you specific ways to make your webinar incredible! You’ve likely been on a webinar, web conference, or online training. Webinars are huge a hit in the Internet Marketing and they’ve been used in various niches to pull in the big bucks for a quite a while.

Whether you are just getting started or are an old hat at internet marketing, you know that being able to recruit new members into your down line is the key to success in this business. Gravity seems to work on everything in this world, including your down line. If you do nothing, it will fall to zero. But if you use the right techniques of lead generation, lead conversion and lead retention, you can guarantee that your business will thrive. “Webinar Secrets” will focus on strategies that work for new marketers. Using these strategies could double or triple your webinar attendance.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 2 a 5

Webinars: A Cookbook for Educators

This book is a comprehensive guide to running excellent webinars. Whether you’re an old webinar hand, or have never attended or run one before, you’ll find useful advice and ideas based on over a decade of experience in organizing, attending and running webinars. Giving a good webinar is like cooking and serving a good meal. This metaphor frames the book. So let’s get into the kitchen, and start cooking!

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 4 a 8

Libri sul Webinar Business e sul Webinar Marketing

Questa selezione è di livello più avanzato e include testi che spiegano il business dei webinar e come usarli nel marketing e nella vendita.
Sono molti i titoli che avremmo voluto includere, ma abbiamo preferito fare una selezione.

Ultimate Webinar Marketing Guide

How to Succeed with Webinars
In four years, Lewis Howes went from sleeping on his sister’s couch to earning 7 figures because one webinar showed him a new way to market his business. One webinar. Wow!
Lewis is an excellent example of the inspiration and innovation we strive to support at Citrix. Our goal is to provide powerful, simple-to-use solutions that enable people to share their ideas with anyone, from anywhere.
So when Lewis came to us with the idea to write a book on webinars, we were thrilled. Who better to show the value of “anyone, anywhere” connections than the guy who started hosting webinars with a buddy in a basement and within a few years had built a million-dollar business?
Lewis did it by using the convenient format of webinars to connect with his customers wherever they are, to have conversations about what matters to them most and to provide actionable information they can immediately put to use.
We’re proud that a great communicator like Lewis uses GoToWebinar as his primary business tool. He has built a phenomenally successful business, and we’re happy that GoToWebinar makes it easy for him and his business to shine.
And now, this book gives you the opportunity to do the same.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 7 a 11

Webinar Marketing: The 7 Step Formula for Killer Webinars that Generate 4, 5 or even 6 Figures in 1 Hour

This short book is based on an interview I did with Steven Essa. Steve is known internationally as the “Make Money with Webinars Expert”. He’s also been voted “best speaker” at several Internet marketing events and has trained thousands of people around the world to leverage the power of webinars to rapidly grow their businesses.
Steve and his clients regularly generate 4, 5 and even 6 figures with a single Webinar – $120,000 in 1 hour is Steve’s record! In this book Steve takes us through the exact 7 step formula he uses with his $75,000 clients. He also explains the “Medical Center Model” that allows him to make $30,000 a month from one of his businesses… working just 2 hours a month!
The information Steve shares in this book is game-changing! It’s made me realize the true power of webinars to build your business fast.
Why not use Amazon’s “Look inside” feature to check out YouTube Marketing Strategies before you buy? Just click on the book image above and start browsing.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 1 a 1.30

Awesome Webinar Method: How to Brand Yourself, Promote your Products, and Make Money with Webinars.

Webinars are one of the fastest growing tools for marketing your services and products online. But there is more to it when it comes to running not just a webinar, but an AWESOME webinar. Awesome Webinar Method covers both the logistical side of webinars and the marketing techniques you need to have a successful, awesome webinar.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 10 a 15
Kindle: € da 1 a 2

How to Find More Customers and Clients with Webinars, Seminars and Workshops by Jim McCraigh (2014-09-27)

You know that webinars are the hot new way to get more customers and clients, but where do you start? Want a step-by-step plan that’s REALISTIC? Looking for large turnouts for your live web events? Need a strategy for getting booked at conferences and trade shows? Ever wish you had meeting planners calling you?

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 30 a 35
Kindle: € da 2 a 4

Everything You Need To Know About Virtual Summits: Learn the proven tips and shortcuts of driving a cause or making serious money by leveraging online webinars and virtual summits.

Webinars and virtual summits have become indispensable for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and big organizations who are serious about taking their business and brand to the next level in an increasingly competitive, digitally driven business environment.
The book was written with the sole purpose of not only showing you that you can, even with little or no experience, create and successfully run your own live or pre-recorded webinar in any niche of your choice, but also walking you through the ropes of doing so in a simple step-by-step approach.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 6 a 10

Increase Sales with Webinars 

Not everyone is a natural salesperson, and for those who are not, they need every advantage they can get. Webinars — audio conference calls, web conferences, and video conferences — are excellent tools that are ideal for the non-selling type to the veteran salesperson. In this eBook from Accuconference, learn about the sales process from cold calls to follow-ups and see how Webinars can help you each step of the way to succeed in sales.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 1 a 2

Webinar Selling System (2016): A 26 Step over The Shoulder Guide On Running A Webinar That Sells

Finally! – A No Fluff, No B.S. Guide On How To Run A Webinar That Sells!
In this book, I’ll show you the exact words that you need to say and when to say it
You’ll learn the “devils” way of selling on a webinar – do not abuse this!
If that sounds good to you then you’ll love this guide-book.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 0.80 a 1.50

No B.S. Guide to Powerful Presentations: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Plan to Sell Anything with Webinars, Online Media, Speeches, and Seminars

Can One Great Presentation Make You Rich?
The answer is YES. Packed with battle-tested strategies and formulas to craft audience-retaining powerful presentations, this No B.S. guide is designed to turn any ordinary business into an extraordinary sell.
Millionaire maker Dan S. Kennedy and public speaking expert Dustin Mathews teach you their blueprint for creating life-changing presentations and prove that your success is not just determined by what you’re presentingbut also why you’re presenting, how you’re presenting it, and who you’re presenting to.
Kennedy and Mathews cover:
The 12-Step Speaker’s Formula
A Blueprint for Creating Irresistible Offers
The 4 Secrets of Mass Persuasion
The 7-Minute Rule of Audience Engagement
How to Automate Your Webinars and Your Profits
How to Double Your Sales with a Multimedia Follow-up System
Discover the battle-tested, carefully-crafted, revenue-generating tools to creating, delivering, and marketing presentations that can change everything.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 12 a 16
Kindle: € da 9 a 13

Webinar Formula (For Coaches, Product Creators, Consultants, Authors and Information Marketers): Make Money Online Selling Products & Services via Your … & Less Salesy Webinars 

Learn How to Sell Your Products and Services via Webinars


Inside this book you’ll discover:
– Business models to follow if you don’t have a business yet
– A list of niches to go into this year…over 100+ niches
– The tools you need to sell on a webinar
– The exact step by step process on how to go from unknown to a solid expert
– 26 steps to a profitable webinar
– Some NLP tactics to convince your prospect to buy your products or services
– How to nix objections so they’ll convince themselves to buy from you
– How to transition from content to “buy my product”
– How to create an irresistible product guarantee
– How to end the webinar knowing you’ll get more sales

Download this book and start 10X’ing your business today!

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 2 a 4

The Teach Formula: Make Money by Creating Courses on Udemy & Selling Products via Webinars 

Teach Online Courses and Sell via Webinars…
What you’ll discover in this bundle:
Teach on Udemy
– How to do proper niche research
– Some niche research methods that 99% of your competition is not using
– How to do course topic research so you’ll know immediately if it’s profitable or not
– etc
Webinar Formula
– Business models to follow if you don’t have a business yet
– A list of niches to go into this year…over 100+ niches
– The tools you need to sell on a webinar
– The exact step by step process on how to go from unknown to a solid expert
– 26 steps to a profitable webinar
– etc


Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 2 a 5

WEBINAR PROFITS BUNDLE (2 in 1): Get more customers, traffic and sell on a webinar with higher conversion

Want a way to get more rabid buyers? Want to convert them at a higher rate? – THIS BUNDLE is for you!
Inside you”ll learn:
I’ll show you the exact words that you need to say on a webinar and when to say it
You’ll learn the devil’s way of selling on a webinar – do not abuse this!
The top 7 ways to get super cheap or free visitors online
How to take advantage of these free traffic online
The correct profile set up that will get you more credibility
how to use social media for maximum effectiveness
how to sell your products without really selling…I know, weird.
How to get affiliates that will make you thousands of dollars without you doing any work
BONUS – the super cheap traffic source that is making a killing today
Download this today and start selling more!

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 1.50 a 4.50

The Webinar Warrior: Broadcast Your Way To Credibility, Authority and Profits

Do any of you guys masi there is not confident? Well, if yes maybe a solution for you to continue to seek knowledge and find inspiring others. One of them by reading the Free The Webinar Warrior: Broadcast Your Way To Credibility, Authority and Profits PDF Download, the book is a very interesting reading and proven quality in writing. Many readers of the World which is senag with the book The Webinar Warrior: Broadcast Your Way To Credibility, Authority and Profits PDF Kindle that. you may ask how to get the book The Webinar Warrior: Broadcast Your Way To Credibility, Authority and Profits PDF ePub that? Well, the way you stay young is to visit our website and click download and save it on your computer, or tablet you mobi formats are also shaped PDF, Kindle, ePub with an interesting structure. Happy reading

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 30 a 70

Libri sul Web Marketing e strategie per il business online

Abbiamo raccolto anche alcuni test che a noi hanno spiegato molte cose del mondo del digital marketing. Te li proponiamo qui sotto.

Sfrutta i contenuti, genera nuovi clienti e fai Content Marketing: Guida pratica per far parlare il tuo business grazie al marketing dei contenuti

Se vuoi distinguerti dalla concorrenza, il Content Marketing è quello che fa per te. È un approccio per promuovere prodotti e servizi senza utilizzare i classici messaggi pubblicitari che alimentano la guerra dei prezzi, sfrutta invece contenuti molto potenti che sono già in tuo possesso anche se non sai ancora come sfruttarli a tuo vantaggio. Il marketing di contenuti è un approccio che funziona perché risponde a un’esigenza reale dei clienti: ottenere le informazioni che cercano nei tempi e nei modi che preferiscono.
Lo scopo del libro è quello di guidare il lettore attraverso le dinamiche che regolano la produzione di contenuti (messaggio e forma). Analizzando le varie forme utilizzate grazie ad alcuni casi studio italiani, capirai come ognuna di esse possa adeguarsi alle necessità dell’azienda e integrarsi in una vera strategia di marketing. Questo ti aiuterà a costruire una strategia di contenuti basandoti su un piano d’azione definito.
Per imprenditori e direttori marketing leggere questo testo può rappresentare un potente antidoto contro le perdite di tempo (e di soldi) che il marketing e la comunicazione online riservano se utilizzati senza criterio.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 17 a 23
Kindle: € da 12 a 17

Content Marketing. Promuovere, sedurre e vendere con i contenuti

La battaglia dell’attenzione si vince con i contenuti, attraverso i quali raggiungere e stimolare l’interesse di potenziali clienti. In un momento in cui i media tradizionali perdono terreno a vantaggio di app e media digitali, ogni azienda/organizzazione ha l’opportunità di diventare essa stessa un editore, producendo e curando i propri contenuti: testi, video, infografiche e molto altro. Content marketing vuole aiutarvi a ragionare come professionisti, analizzando i bisogni dei destinatari che volete contattare, pianificando le attività necessarie, con metodo e continuità. Strategie, consigli per un piano editoriale corretto e best practice di aziende e professionisti rendono questo volume un programma da applicare subito. Il content marketing vi consente di emergere dal mare magnum della rete, permettendovi di conquistare l’attenzione e la fiducia dei vostri clienti, attuali e futuri. È una delle grandi opportunità per il vostro business.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 20 a 25

Come promuovere la tua attività sul web senza pubblicità: 54 soluzioni di Content marketing pronte all’uso che funzionano anche senza budget

Una guida operativa al “content marketing” per professionisti e imprenditori: pronta all’uso per trasformare semplici contenuti in potenti strumenti di marketing. 53 consigli scelti ragionando solo su quelle azioni che ognuno di noi ha la possibilità di mettere in pratica in breve tempo, seguendo una traccia facilmente applicabile e lavorando su compiti che possano mostrare subito un risultato.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 16 a 20
Kindle: € da 12 a 17

Zero concorrenti. Come usare il brand positioning per differenziarti e farti cercare dai clienti

Come fare marketing per creare un brand che “elimina i concorrenti” dalla mente del tuo cliente? Usando il Brand Positioning, la strategia che permette di individuare il messaggio che ti differenzia dai concorrenti e ti rende la scelta preferita. Questo libro spiega che cos’è il Brand Positioning e come usarlo, con esempi e un approccio pratico basato su oltre venticinque anni di esperienza. Il primo “manuale pratico del Brand Positioning”, pensato per l’imprenditore e utilizzabile anche dalle aziende di piccole dimensioni, dai manager e dai liberi professionisti.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 16 a 20
Kindle: € da 11 a 15

Lead Generation – Ottieni nuovi contatti e trasformali in clienti fidelizzati

Che tu abbia un sito, un e-commerce o un blog è per te fondamentale raggiungere il maggior numero di persone realmente interessate a ciò che proponi. La lead generation è quella strategia che ti consentirà di acquisire nuovi contatti e di utilizzarli per incrementare le vendite dei tuoi prodotti o servizi. Il libro che hai tra le mani ti illustrerà il metodo e gli strumenti più efficaci per attrarre i tuoi potenziali clienti, guidandoti lungo un percorso sistematico e consequenziale che si articola seguendo il viaggio che compie proprio il tuo pubblico ideale. Come in ogni nuova avventura, ci saranno situazioni entusiasmanti e momenti difficili, ma troverai sempre aiuti lungo il cammino: casi studio, esempi concreti, strategie pratiche da poter mettere in atto subito per fare una lead generation vincente. Sei pronto ad iniziare?

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 28 a 35
Kindle: € da 18 a 22

Manuale di Inbound Marketing: Costruisci la tua strategia di web marketing in base al tuo business, ai tuoi contenuti e ai tuoi obiettivi

Una guida pratica per organizzare al meglio le tue attività di web marketing La gestione delle diverse attività di web marketing richiede metodo e disciplina ed è fondamentale sapere coordinare le diverse strategie e i diversi strumenti a disposizione. Questo manuale spiega esattamente qual è il ruolo di ciascuno strumento all’interno di una strategia che porti risultati concreti per la tua attività. Strategia che cambia in base al tuo modello di business, alla situazione attuale della tua azienda (online e offline), al processo d’acquisto del tuo cliente tipo e ai tuoi obiettivi specifici. Ecco perché questo è un libro da usare come un vero strumento di lavoro: grazie alla semplicità di linguaggio utilizzato dall’autrice, qui trovi sintetizzati concetti molto complessi e vengono illustrate strategie specifiche e di successo.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 12 a 17
Kindle: € da 3 a 7

Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook to Find Your Message, Build a Tribe, and Changing the World: The Underground Playbook to Find Your Message, Build a Tribe, and Change the World

Best book ever for marketing your business. And not just for online marketing. This book goes into so much detail and is perfect for any business. How to tell stories to make sales. How to be the EXPERT in your Niche.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 18 a 23

Summary: DotCom Secrets: Review and Analysis of Brunson’s Book

The must-read summary of Russell Brunson’s book: “DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online”.
This complete summary of the ideas from Russell Brunson’s book “DotCom Secrets” shows the importance of building a good sales funnel for your online business. This is what will drive traffic to your website and then push them through to make a purchase. The funnel is made up of various different strategies; a traffic strategy, a product strategy and a communication strategy. By fine-tuning these strategies you will create a funnel that leads customers from when they arrive at your website to profit for your business. This summary tells you exactly how to create this profit-boosting funnel by taking you through each step of the process with clear diagrams and concise explanations.

Fascia di prezzo:
Copertina flessibile: € da 5 a 9
Kindle: € da 3 a 7

The SharkPreneur Ebook: with Russell Brunson of ClickFunnels 

Russell has been collecting junk mail since the age of 12. He’d watch TV or listen to the radio, waiting for the commercials because to him, marketing and sales were the real entertainment. Despite his young age, Russell opted in to every business opportunity offer he could find, simply to study the art and science of direct response.
In high school Russell was a state champion wrestler, and then became All-American his senior year taking 2nd place in the country at high school nationals. He continued to wrestle in college, learning valuable lessons about competition, hard work, and the art of winning. He graduated as one of the top ten wrestlers nationally.
In college, Russell had his first success as an online marketer selling potato gun DVDs. This small business hobby became an obsession, and launched Russell into the world of Internet Marketing, where he quickly became one of the top marketing minds in the world. Within a year of graduating college, he’d made his first million dollars selling his products.
Russell sold everything from shakes and supplements, to coaching, books, consulting, coupons, t-shirts, technology services, and software. He reached top ranking status in several network marketing companies, winning a Ferrari and generating 1.5 million leads in just six weeks.
The limitations and obstacles Russell encountered with the technology required to bring his sales funnels to life, became the birthplace of the idea for his software company, Click funnels. Together with his partner Todd Dickerson, Russell launched their sales funnel software in October 2014, and the company has grown to $100,000,000 and 55,000 customers in just three years.

Click funnels is now the fastest-growing non-venture backed software company in the world.

Fascia di prezzo:
Kindle: € da 1.50 a 4.50


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